Meet Alyssa, Labor and Delivery Nurse, who is in labor with baby number three wearing our birthing gown in size small.

The Loula supporting active, upright labor on the yoga ball.

The Loula worn here as a stylish and comfortable gown.

Alyssa excited to meet her new baby boy!

Doppler fetal monitoring is easy in the Loula.

The Loula works with IVs and hospital monitoring.

Alyssa detached her skirt wrap to use the tub for comfort during her labor.

After Alyssa got out of the tub, she left the skirt wrap off during epidural placement.

Alyssa's baby boy is here! Loula is also a comfortable postpartum gown, great for breastfeeding and recovering in style.
Meet Bre, Labor and Delivery Nurse. in labor with her third baby, wearing size medium.

Bre detached the skirt wrap during her epidural placement and chose to leave it off for the remainder of her quick labor! Her third baby girl arrived not long after this picture. The Loula works well with fetal montioring and hospital equipment.

The Loula is ideal for skin to skin contact and breastfeeding.
Jo loved the comfort and cuteness of the Loula while she was in labor with her daughter.
The Loula worked for all stages of her labor!